.. covent_19_spec: Covent-19 Specification =================== General Performance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. item:: SR-1 Operation shall support mandatory Ventilation (Primary function / minimum) .. item:: SR-2 Operation shall support spontaneous Ventilation (Secondary function / design goal) .. item:: SR-3 Volume Control (Primary function / minimum) .. item:: SR-4 Pressure Control (Secondary function / design goal) 5-60 +/- 5 cmH2O .. item:: SR-5 Pressure Support 10-15+/-5 cmH2O; may be either flow- or pressure-triggered (Secondary function / design goal) .. item:: SR-6 Apnea back-up shall kick in at 30 or 60 seconds (+/-5sec) (Secondary function / design goal) .. item:: SR-7 flow rate shall > 60 liters per minute .. item:: SR-8 PEEP Pressure: 5-15 cmH2O in increments of 5 cmH20 (+/-5 cmH2O) .. item:: SR-9 Inspiratory :Expiratory ratio during Mandatory Ventilation: 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4 options shall be available (click-stop) .. item:: SR-10 The respiratory rate shall deliver 10-30 breaths per minute in increments of 2 bpm .. item:: SR-11 Tidal volume options available shall be as following:Option #1: Input height and gender for 6cc/kg TV (+/- 10% or 10mL)Option #2: 350cc (for average woman) and 450cc (for average man) (+/- 10% or 10mL)Option #3: 400cc only (+/- 10% or 10mL)Option #4: 300-600cc adjustable in 100cc increments (+/- 10% or 10mL) Infection Control ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. item:: SR-15 All components coming in contact with the patients breath must be disposable OR sterilizable (e.g., autoclavable) .. item:: SR-16 0.22um or smaller filter shall be on patient inspiration and expiration pathway .. item:: SR-17 Viral filter must be installed on ventilator inlet gas to allow filtration .. item:: SR-18 All external surfaces must not degrade with application of standard agents for disinfection (e.g. bleach solution) Gas ^^^ .. item:: SR-12 Gas connectors shall be compatible with high pressure (~50psi) gas source (i.e., pipeline supply) OR low-flow inlet .. item:: SR-13 Oxygen delivery options shall be as followingOption #1: FiO2 (21%+10%, 50%+/- 10%, 100% -10%)Option #2: adjustable between room air (21%) and 100% (+/-10%) Electric ^^^^^^^^ .. item:: SR-32 Ventilator shall be powered by 120VAC .. item:: SR-33 Electrical components shall comply with IEC 60601-1 and IEC 60601-1-2 .. item:: SR-34 None with labeling (primary function) .. item:: SR-35 Ventilator shall have 1 hour (secondary function / design goal) of battery back - up Alarms and Monitoring ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. item:: SR-19 (REMOVE: Inlet Gas (O2)) or Power supply failure shall trigger alarmO2 alarm duplicated by SR-24 .. item:: SR-20 Alarm shall trigger when inspiratory airway pressure exceeded limits:Pplat <30-35 cmH2OPeak P no more than 2 cmH2O greater than PplatFail-safe valve opens at 60cmH2O (powered or un-powered) .. item:: SR-21 Alarm shall trigger when apnea (i.e. patient not breathing) on spontaneous mode (secondary) .. item:: SR-22 Alarm shall trigger when inspiratory and PEEP pressure not achieved (i.e. disconnection) .. item:: SR-23 Alarm shall trigger when tidal volume not achieved or exceeded (with ~20% tolerance) .. item:: SR-24 Alarm shall trigger when O2 disconnection occurs .. item:: SR-25 Alarm Volume shall be 60 to 80 dBA at one meter (+/- 5 dBA) .. item:: SR-26 Actual Value (TV, RR, PEEP, FiO2, Flow Rate, PIP) shall be monitored Ventilator Specific Standards ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. item:: SR-27 Vent shall be able the function at